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Manned Security Guards
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Are In-house or Outsourced Private Security Guards Better for My Business?
28 Jun 2024

Keeping your business, employees and customers safe should be one of the primary concerns of any business owner. Deciding how to secure your business is a choice that can impact your operations, costs, and overall security. If you’re not sure whether to employ a security team of your own or reach out to security companies for some outsourced enforcement, we can help.

Understanding In-house Security Guards

In-house security guards are your employees – people directly employed and managed by your business. As part of your staff, these guards will be integrated into your company’s culture and day-to-day operations. Managing in-house security requires a dedicated team responsible for recruitment, training, scheduling, and overall management of the security personnel. It’s best if they themselves have some experience in this area. Let’s consider the pros of this approach.

Pros of Employing In-house Security Guards

  • Enhanced control – One of the significant advantages of in-house security guards is the level of control you have over their operations. You make the rules, set the roles, and give the orders to best meet the specific needs of your business.
  • Familiarity – In-house guards typically become familiar with your business premises, employees, and regular visitors. This means that they are well-equipped to identify unusual activities or individuals. This consistency can lead to a more secure environment as the guards develop an intuitive understanding of the workplace dynamics and potential security challenges – something that can really improve the peace of mind of your employees.
  • Integration with company culture – Since in-house security guards are your employees, they can be more easily integrated into your company’s culture and values. Corporate security services need to walk the line between being professional and personable so that people feel able to approach them for help.
  • Immediate responsiveness – With in-house security, you can expect fast responses to any incidents that occur. The direct line of communication within the organisation ensures that security personnel are promptly informed of any issues as and when they arise.

Cons of In-house Security Guard Systems

  • Higher costs – Employing in-house security guards can be costly, meaning it isn’t a sensible choice for everyone. You are responsible for salaries, benefits, training, uniforms, equipment, and other related expenses – all of these things can add up very quickly. As well as this, you have to allocate appropriate resources for recruiting and managing the security team, which can strain your business’s budget, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Administrative burden – Managing an in-house security team adds to your administrative workload, which may be a major con for some businesses. From payroll and scheduling to ensuring compliance with regulations and conducting regular performance evaluations, the administrative responsibilities can be time-consuming and complex.
  • Limited flexibility – In-house security arrangements might not be flexible enough to scale up or down quickly in response to changing security needs. If your business experiences a sudden increase in security demands, such as during special events or high-risk periods, you may need to bring in outsourced security to bolster your defenses, defeating the point of going in-house in the first place.
  • Training and development – Ensuring that your in-house security guards are adequately briefed on the latest security practices requires ongoing investment in training and development programs. This can be both time-consuming and costly, especially if your business is new to having security and therefore lacks the expertise to design and deliver effective training.

Outsourcing Security Guard Services

Many businesses choose to outsource their security guard services. For a wide proportion of businesses, contracting third-party private security companies to provide trained personnel for your business relieves a lot of the workload of going in-house. These companies live and breathe security every day, and tend to be able to offer a range of flexible options – everything from uniformed guards to advanced surveillance systems.

Pros of Outsourced Security Guard Services

  • Cost-effective -Outsourcing security services can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. You only pay for the services you need, which doesn’t include paying for salaries, benefits, training, and management. This can be particularly beneficial to any businesses on limited budgets.
  • Expertise – Security companies specialise in providing security services, meaning their guards are highly trained and experienced. By outsourcing, you gain access to a pool of security experts with knowledge of the latest security technologies, best practices, and industry standards.
  • Scalability – Outsourced security services offer a lot more flexibility to adjust the level of security based on your business needs – which can change quite drastically in a relatively short space of time. Whether you need additional guards for a special event or enhanced security during high-risk periods, security companies can quickly scale their services to meet your requirements, without you having to go through the process of hiring more staff.
  • Less admin – Outsourcing shifts the responsibility of recruitment, training, scheduling, and management to the security company. This reduces the administrative burden on your business, reduces the risk of not meeting compliance standards, and allows you to focus on core operations.
  • Access to technology – Many security companies invest in advanced security technologies, such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and alarm systems. By outsourcing, your business can benefit from these technologies without the need for significant capital investment.

Cons and Limitations of Outsourced Security Guard Services

  • Less control – When you outsource private security services, you forfeit some of your control over the security personnel and their training. While this can sometimes lead to miscommunications or other issues, usually it means that it’s those with more experience in the industry calling the shots – which is a win for everyone.
  • Inconsistency – Outsourced security guards may not have the same level of familiarity with your business premises and regular activities as in-house guards.
  • Miscommunication – Maintaining effective communication with outsourced security personnel is essential, and can lead to issues if not kept on top of.

The best house is a safe house

Choosing between in-house and outsourced security guard services depends on your business’s unique needs, budget, and priorities. You need to choose the option that will make your business most secure, and that works best with your day-to-day operations.

Consulting with security experts is a great way to identify the specific security requirements of your business, the costs involved, and the potential benefits and limitations of each option. For many, this advice is simply too good to lose, and leads to the foundations of an outsourced security contract. The goal is to create a secure and safe environment that supports your business’s growth and success, and oftentimes experience in this area trumps everything else.

We’re happy to share what we’ve learned from our collective years of providing corporate security services. Get in touch today to see what our experts can do for you.

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security in Southampton
The Role of Security Guards in Ensuring Safety: Importance for Southampton Businesses 
18 Jan 2024

If you are a business owner, security should be a top priority, regardless of the type of business that you own or manage. Security guards play a key role in the safety and security of businesses throughout Southampton, and if you are looking to reap the benefits of having experienced and licensed security guards for your business, then you have come to the right place. 

In this blog, we will explore the role of security guards for businesses in more detail, including the advantages of hiring security guards from trustworthy security companies in Southampton (such as All Time Security), how they prevent crime and how they contribute to a safe working environment. 


The Importance of Security Guards 

Security guards are well-known for being imposing and intimidating characters who stand at the entrance of businesses or patrol the area. Their versatile nature means that they can be deployed anywhere, from retail shops to corporate offices. They have many duties and responsibilities that can be applied in a diverse range of situations.  

You can expect security guards to: 

  • Monitor the area 
  • Manage access control 
  • Handle emergencies 
  • Screen incoming visitors/guests  
  • Enforce rules and regulations  
  • De-escalate situations 
  • Deter theft  
  • And more… 

As you can see, security guards have many responsibilities, depending on the business’ needs and requirements.  

Benefits of Professional Security Guards 

When you choose to hire professional security guards, you can benefit in several different ways. This includes: 

  • Enhanced Safety 

Security guards can help protect employees, customers or visitors, and other assets, such as stock and inventory.  With trained security guards, you are provided peace of mind against potential dangers as you can rely on them to identify hazards and/or potential crimes and handle the situation professionally. Your employees and customers/visitors will also feel safer when they spot a security guard ensuring their protection. 

  • Crime Deterrent  

When a security guard is present and visible, burglars, intruders and thieves alike are less likely to steal or commit a crime relating to your business. For example, if a security guard is stationed at the entrance/exit of a retail store, a thief is less likely to shoplift as a result.  

  • Emergency Response 

Security guards are trained to manage all sorts of emergencies, from medical incidents and fires to dangerous people and crime. Not only will they be able to diffuse the situation (in terms of the latter), but they can also assist with the former and potentially save lives.  

  • Keen Monitoring 

A security guard will be well aware of how to spot suspicious behaviour within your business. This means that while your employees might be busy with their own tasks, a suspicious individual could be attempting to steal something or enter the property without authorisation. Security guards can stop this from becoming a bigger problem, handling the issue with ease and efficiency.  

  • Improved Company Reputation 

Having security guards posted within your business can significantly improve your company’s reputation, especially when it comes to improving both employee and customer experience. Security guards can also assist with customer service, directing customers to where they need to go and helping them with any queries that they may have. With these positive experiences, customers are likely to spread the word of how helpful your company’s security guards are, and how your business appears highly professional and reliable.  

All Time Security’s Safety & Security Solutions 

With many security companies in Southampton to choose from, it can be difficult to find the right security company for you and your business. However, at All Time Security, you can rest assured that our security guards are trained, licensed, and reliable when it comes to protecting your business. 

From offices to campuses, we can deploy our security guards to various locations across Southampton. We are one of the few SIA-approved security contractors in the nation that are approved in: 

  • Door supervising  
  • Key holding 
  • Security guard 
  • Close protection 
  • CCTV 

This means that our quality of work is exceptional, and you can trust us to deliver high-quality services that will meet your business demands and exceed your expectations.  

We screen and assess all of our security personnel, and they undergo extensive in-house training to ensure that they can provide the highest standard of service that aligns with our core values and beliefs. All security guards from All Time Security will be SIA-approved, with qualifications in other areas such as First Aid, Fire Safety, and more.  

Security Guards for Southampton Businesses 

Southampton is considered to be one of the most dangerous cities in Hampshire. In fact, according to CrimeRate UK, the overall crime rate in the city in 2022 was 134 crimes per 1,000 people. Southampton is continuously listed as one of the top cities with the worst crime rates in the UK, with a 62% higher crime rate compared to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland’s overall figure as of 2023. In particular, the crime rate of shoplifting was at 8 crimes per 1,000 people in 2022, and burglary was at 7 crimes per 1,000 people.  

As a business owner in Southampton, you should be vigilant when it comes to the safety and security of your business, including the property, your employees and customers, and your goods or assets. As a result, hiring a professional security company like All Time Security is crucial to ensuring the safety of your business.  

Protect Your Southampton Business with All Time Security 

Security guards are an essential part of any business in Southampton, and we know how important it is to have security personnel that you can trust and rely on.  

At All Time Security, we can provide you with highly trained and skilled security guards to help protect your Southampton business. No matter the type of business that you own, you can count on us as one of the leading security companies in Southampton to effectively keep your property, your employees and customers, and your assets safe.  

Learn more about our services by getting in touch with us today on 01494511222 / 03330050945, or by dropping us an email at   

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Importance of Hiring Hotel Security Guards
29 May 2023

Protecting your property, hotel guests and employees from potential risks is essential. Hotel security services are the best way to keep the building and the people safe at a hotel establishment. Hotel security guards are available to provide your hotel establishment with the best protection to keep crime away as well as safeguard your guests and employees.

In a hotel, reception security guards are a useful tool to use as a main point of contact for guests and visitors. Their presence provides reassurance for hotel employees and guests. To add to that, they can provide put off criminal and anti-social activity on the premises.

What security issues might hotels face?

Hotels can be large establishments with big areas of ground to cover and protect. There may be more than one point of entry as well as a range of open areas such as social rooms and hallways which need to be patrolled and watched. On top of this, the hotel might hold parking facilities and outdoor grounds which also need surveillance.

Another problem that hotels will have to deal with is the high level of foot traffic coming through the premises each day. A constant flow of guests checking in and out will create this high level of foot traffic, as well as employees working in and around the building. There is a significant need to keep track of this to make sure there are no trespassers who should not be in the building.

In addition to holding rooms for guests to stay in, many gyms also hold a range of other facilities. These facilities might include gyms, casinos, restaurants, bars, spas and nightclubs. These facilities might attract members of the public who won’t be required to check in and out which is why hotel security services are so important in hotels because these members of the public also need to be monitored.

Hotels contain cash, jewellery, personal items and digital technology, belonging to guests as well as the hotel itself, which needs protection from hotel security services. Especially considering the fact that guests might leave their hotel rooms unattended for long periods of time.

Responsibilities of a hotel security guard:

  • Concierge role: Delivering a professional and polite first impression to guests entering the hotel.
  • Monitoring and patrolling services: Keeping a watchful eye for unusual, illegal or dangerous activities happening on site.
  • Maintain order: They will deal with guests or employees who are breaching the site rules.
  • Escorting staff and guests: To help keep guests and staff safe, security guards will escort them where necessary.
  • Completing Reports: Keep tracking and record of unusual occurrences and patrolling routines.

What are the benefits of having hotel security services?

Here are the various benefits of hiring hotel security guards for your business.

Monitor entrances and exits

Hotel security guards prevent suspicious persons from entering the hotel and ensure the only people in the hotel are those who are permitted to be there.

Respond to emergency situations

Hotel security guards are trained to respond to emergency situations, such as fires, medical emergencies and theft. They can take a leading role in these chaotic situations to keep everyone safe.

Protect guests’ belongings

Hotel guests tend to keep expensive items such as smartphones, laptops and jewellery in their rooms, and thieves may attempt to steal these belongings if it is obvious that a strong security service is not in place. Therefore, having a visible security presence can reduce the chance of theft.

Identifying and correcting security weaknesses

Security guards have the skills and capabilities to notice security issues within the hotel and offer ideas to fix these issues. Their vast knowledge can strengthen the security of your establishment.

Safety handling

Hotel security guards know the precautions to take to keep the hotel safe and can offer this knowledge to employees of the hotel. This knowledge might involve handling money, monitoring keys, dealing with misbehaving guests, handling emergencies and evacuating the building in an emergency.

Protection of staff

Sometimes, guests or members of the public might act inappropriately on site. This could make employees feel threatened, uncomfortable or unsafe. Hotel security services can help tp resolve disputes and protect the well-being of staff members.

Preventing crime

Unfortunately, hotels are common locations for targeted crime due to them being open 24/7. Hotel security services can keep watch of parking lots and the property perimeter to eliminate criminal activities

Monitoring equipment

Surveillance tools and equipment like security cameras are useful for protecting your hotel. Security guards can monitor this footage, to help them identify suspicious patterns and behaviour.

Provide a safety presence

Guests are more likely to relax knowing the hotel security guards are there in case of any incidents.

Offering special security for VIP guests

Many hotels are host to special events such as weddings, brand events or even conferences. These events may be attended by politicians, celebrities or other important guests. Having a security system in place can help these people feel more protected.

Preventing hotel damage

Hotel security guards will discourage vandalism so you can keep the hotel in pristine condition, inside and outside.

Handling disorderly conduct

Hotel security guards are able to prevent issues from getting out of hand by taking control of any situations which get out of hand.

Invest in hotel security

Protecting your hotel is no easy task. Safety is crucial for your employees and guests.  Although keeping the hotel completely secure can seem incredibly difficult, a strong team of security guards can help make all the difference.

Manning a hotel reception desk and having the necessary security training isn’t the only responsibility a security guard holds. They must also sign people in and out of the building, have a presence to deter any criminal activities, and be experienced with CCTV remote monitoring procedures should they spot anything suspicious.

As a leading provider of security solutions in the UK, All Time Security’s trained security guard services will offer you peace of mind that your hotel will be protected by fully trained, vetted officers Contact us today to discuss how we can assist with your hotel reception security.

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Why You Should Have Security Guards Who Understand Retail Security
22 Nov 2021

Why You Should Have Security Guards Who Understand Retail Security

The main objective of retail outlets is to provide services and products in a fashion that optimises customer satisfaction. All good retailers know that this is impossible to achieve if customers and staff do not feel safe and secure whilst being on their premises.

So when retailers create a loss prevention plan, they most certainly consider instructing a security team to help protect their premises, staff, customers and products.

What should retailers consider before hiring a security company?

Most people know that you need security guards that are confident and competent. It’s important to know that they are SIA qualified and hold a valid license but what some retailers tend to overlook is that in today’s tough economic climate, security guards can actually help you retain customers.

A security guard is normally the first person and the last person that your customers see – so effectively, they are the first and last impressions of your premises and customer experience.

So really, retailers need to focus on having security guards that are customer service focused.

Here are some of the qualities that a good security guard should have above his security skills:

He must be:

  • Polite  
  • Punctual
  • Helpful
  • Well mannered
  • Well dressed
  • Presentable
  • Flexible
  • Reasonable   

Customers like the people they interact with to be helpful and friendly – and security guards are normally the first point of contact – so it’s a no brainer really.

If you are looking for professional retail savvy security guards then contact All Time Security on:

03330050945 or Email:

All Security Guards at All Time Security are skilled and trained on delivering great customer services in their in-house security training centre with professional trainers. 

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Do you really need security guards?
29 Aug 2021

Do you really need security guards?

It’s 2021 and the world is forever changing. With new security solutions frequently being released, as a business owner, do you still need security guards?

Before we go into whether you need security guards or not, let’s have a look at some of the other security solutions businesses are using.

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

This may seem like an obvious security solution, but you will be surprised at how many businesses overlook the importance of having good quality CCTV. Some businesses don’t have CCTV installed while others have it installed but without having a professional security audit to ascertain what type of cameras are the most suited to the business premises and the right locations.

CCTV acts as an immediate and well-recognised deterrent for both opportunities and professional thieves, vandals, arsonists and burglars. This is an effective and affordable way to keep a close eye on your business premises, products, and staff.


Alarms have been used in business premises and retail outlets for many years. Alarms can be used to trigger numerous alerts such as theft, break ins, fire, flooding and even refrigerator temperature warnings. Having good quality alarms can save businesses thousands in losses and damages and can potentially save lives.

Mobile security patrols & alarm response

Not many businesses know that security service providers offer a mobile security patrol service and alarm response service. This can be an affordable way to maintain security – a team of security guards will, at agreed times, patrol your premises to ensure that there are no signs of burglaries, criminal damage, arson, etc.

Security Guards

The traditional and effective security guard service is still considered by many as the best security solution.

Security guards are, along with acting as visual deterrents, trained to identify threats and vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities could include areas of a premises that is not secure. Areas that are not protected with CCTV or entrances and exits that are poorly lit.

Security guards will patrol areas that are susceptible to break-ins and fire. Security guards will also look for areas that may suffer from leaking pipes and fire hazards – this alone can save businesses thousands in damages and can reduce the risk of injury to visitors and staff.

Having security guards is also a great way to instil confidence in your staff and visitors – demonstrating that you as a business owner take their safety and security seriously.     

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Top reasons why Security Guards are still relevant
28 Jan 2020

Top reasons why Security Guards are still relevant

Does this mean that we no longer need the old-fashioned methods of security? Have security guards become redundant in today’s world?
Does this mean that we no longer need the old-fashioned methods of security? Have security guards become redundant in today’s world?

The world is moving fast and technology even faster. There are now so many variations of security services – some of them are more affordable and effective. Does this mean that we no longer need the old-fashioned methods of security? Have security guards become redundant in today’s world?

With all the innovative security advancements, it may seem as if security guards are no longer the first choice of security service but is it safe to assume this?

Not really! Even with all the new solutions, it is very difficult to beat having a human security guard present to help deal with various situations. A well trained and SIA qualified security guard will be able to use their intuition alongside their skills and experience to deal with all types of scenarios.

Aside from a well presented and uniformed security guard being an effective visual deterrent they are skilled in being vigilant. Security service providers like All Time Security ensure that all their security guards are:

  • Fully SIA trained and qualified
  • Trained in conflict management and resolution
  • Fully equipped with all necessary security apparatus to carry out their job properly
  • Appropriate uniform
  • Trained in delivering great customer service

Security guards also carry out regular patrols to ensure that there are no other problems around a site. This could be particularly useful in scenarios where a building is empty. This is the case at night for most businesses.

Security guards will make routine trips around the building and pay particular attention to vulnerable areas and weak points or points of entry.

This means that they will be able to identify whether anyone has attempted to break in or if there has been any acts of vandalism.

But this is not solely useful from a security or criminal activity prospective, it is incredibly useful in identifying potential hazards, leeks and fire. Security guards will ensure that fire exits are kept clear without any obstruction that may put people at risk. Guards will also look out for leaking or burst pipes, potentially saving business from incurring losses at the hands of water damage or even flooding.

In conclusion, although the technological advancements are fantastic and help hugely in the security industry, they have successfully aided the security process but can not be used as a substitute for qualified, skilled and experienced security guards.

Security is certainly an industry were sound human intuition is a must.   

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A few common misconceptions about security guards
07 Nov 2019

A few common misconceptions about security guards

Over the years, like many industries, the security industry has changed and evolved. But there are still a few common misconceptions floating around about security guards.

Security guards are not worth it anymore

There are some people who think that with all the sophisticated modern technology we have in place, we no longer need physical security guards. They feel that with the advanced CCTV and alarm systems, security guards have become redundant.

The truth, however, is that sophisticated and advanced security devices such as Smart CCTV and Alarms are not designed to replace security guards, they are in place to aid the security guard. They supplement the guard to be more efficient in protecting and securing the premises.

All industry professionals will agree that trained security guards are still the most effective form of security.

Security guards are aggressive and violent

Some people envision security as 6-foot giants stood outside a venue ready to pounce on anyone who steps out of line but this is just not true. Security guards, although highly trained in conflict resolution, are not there to add fuel to a fire.

Security guards are skilled and trained in always remaining calm and looking for ways to deescalate difficult situations. They will look for resolutions that use no violence and aggression.

Trained guards are skilled in how to deal with various scenarios and their primary objective is to keep people safe. Reasonable force is only used when absolutely necessary and all actions will be questioned.

Security guards look rough and mean

Many people assume all security guards are aggressive men and women who like to scare people with their appearances but this is not true.

Security guards are there to keep people and the premises safe. They are trained to be punctual, polite and well dressed. Security guards act and behave in a way that reflects the company values.

Security guards are dressed in smart wear and do not look unkempt. They are trained to be friendly and approachable.

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What makes a good close protection security guard?
28 Oct 2019

What makes a good close protection security guard?

Close Protection Security

VIP Security Guard
High Profile Security Guard

What is Close Protection Security and do people need it?

When a VIP person, a celebrity or a person of that calibre is travelling or attending an event, they are sometimes at risk. In order to reduce this risk, security providers such as All Time Security, provide a professional Close Protection Security Service.

This means that they always have a qualified and skilled security professional by their side. This gives them peace of mind that they’ll be kept safe and secure while they are at the event.


Close Protection security guards can also be instructed to provide the transport for the VIP. This means that they will pick up the VIP and take them to their destination, always remain with them and then take them back to their place of pick up. This will give them the assurance that they will be kept safe throughout the journey and at the event.

Close protection security guards are also skilled in collaborating with security personnel such as door supervisors and security guards. They are effective in communication and risk assessments.

This gives them the ability to utilise other security measures to help increase the security and safety of the VIP.

A good Close protection security guard will also be effective in communicating with emergency services in case of an emergency. This includes Police, Ambulance, and Fire Services.

Close Protection guards are also first aid and fire safety trained. If there were to be an accident or injury, they would be able to assist until the emergency services arrived. This could be a lifesaving feature.

Always professional

The great thing about Professional Security Service providers such as All Time Security is that they are an SIA accredited and approved contractors. This simply means that they are approved by the SIA and meet the industry standards in providing such services.

Close Protect Security personnel along with security guards, door supervisors, CCTV operators are skilled in always remaining polite, punctual and professional.

Security persons are always dressed to suit the occasion, venue or specific dress code guidelines. They will look the part and act the part.


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Some key rules for effective security guarding
12 Sep 2019

Some key rules for effective security guarding

It’s not news that businesses rely heavily on security guards to help keep their businesses safe and secure. But are there effective methods to get the very best from your security guards?

Security guards are a wonderful investment for businesses as they save you a lot of money and stress. They act as a visual deterrent while actively securing buildings, assets, stock and people.

Here are some simple rules for effective security guarding

Ensure that security guards are aware of the premises

Some key rules for effective security guarding
Why Have a SIA company?

There’s nothing worse than a security guard who is not familiar with the premises he is securing. Security guards should know where things are and have a good understanding of the layout of the premises and where things are.

This is important as they will need to know about vulnerable areas and other parts of the premises that might require particular attention.

This is also important for when security is asked for directions from visitors and even staff.

Security guards should be trained in customer service

Yes! It’s true – the world of security guarding has changed. It’s no longer about the burly man stood at the entrance glaring and growling at people as they walk in. Security guarding is more about having a sophisticated approach to providing security while representing a venue’s reputation and values.

What does that mean exactly?

Security guards are usually the first people you see when you enter a building and the last people you see when you leave. This makes their engagement with staff and visitors crucial in people’s perception of the venue’s image and reputation.

This means that they should be in a presentable uniform that reflects the company image. Security guards should be presentable in their general appearance – hair, groomed, hygiene, etc.

Security guards should be polite and helpful

This is vital for offering an overall good customer experience for staff and visitors. Helpful and polite security guards can reflect directly on how people feel about your business.

This also helps when people are lost or need to find a specific area in the premises. Security guards can help coordinate people which can also contribute to their safety.

Security guards should be skilled in first aid and fire safety

It is not unusual for people to turn to security guards when facing an injury or a fire.

Skilled security guards can help deal with injuries and can act as fire marshals until the fire brigade attends.

This is not only helpful but can be lifesaving.   

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Do companies still need security guards
Do companies still need security guards?
08 Feb 2019






















Do companies still need security guards?

As time has progressed and technology has become advanced, some business owners now invest heavily in automated security services. And this is great, but does it mean that companies no longer require good old fashioned security guards?

First, let’s go through what a security guard is and what they do

A security guard is instructed to vigilantly keep an eye on your premises to ensure the premises, assets and the people inside it are kept safe and secure. This could be for:
– Theft/Burglary/Robbery
– Internal and external theft
– Industrial espionage
– Arson
– Vandalism
– Violence

Sure, CCTV and alarms are a great method to deter and to an extent prevent the crime from occurring but is that the same as having a highly trained security professional present?

Professionally trained security guards are skilled in detecting signs of crime and other issues that can affect a building.

Security Patrols

Security guards’ petrol premises and look out for leaks, fires and ensure that fire exits are not blocked off.
SIA (Security Industry Authority) qualified security guards are skilled in risk assessments and creating red routes. They will discover vulnerable areas or areas that are poorly lit and ensure that they cover those areas frequently.

They will also patrol the areas that may be susceptible to leaks or fires. Buildings, especially buildings that are left empty at night could suffer from a leak for many hours before the leak is discovered. This could cost business owners thousands of pounds in losses. Proactive and competent security guards measurably reduce that risk.

Carpark security patrols

Many buildings offer a carpark for their staff and employees and this is great but there can be a number of issues, including car parking issues and theft. Security guards run regular patrols in and around the carparks, ensuring that there are no parking issues and cars in the carpark are secure.

Access Control Security

SIA security guards are specially trained in access control. This means that they will vigilantly monitor who is entering the carpark and building. This is a sure way of preventing people from trespassing and potential theft and industrial espionage.

Having professional access control also shows clients and employees that the business owner takes their safety and security seriously. This helps create an overall better environment for staff and visitors.

The fact that people have to sign in and have been visibly seen and identified also helps prevent people from not following proper company codes and conducts.

Security guards save companies hundreds of thousands every year and most businesses would agree that a reputable and professional security company is an asset to their business.
If you require an SIA approved security services provider contact All Time Security today.

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