Why retailers rely on proven security solutions
Retailers all over the UK, whether they be small scale stores or major retail outlets, suffer losses through theft and fraud. It’s unavoidable… or is it?
Retail outlets such as supermarkets have thousands of people walking in and out every day. And they often have hundreds of people inside the store at one time. This gives both professional and opportunists thieves the incentive to steal high value items that are on display.
As there are so many people shopping the store, they will go pretty much unnoticed – giving them the opportunity to commit a crime.
What can be done about retail theft?
This is a great question. With so many security solutions and with so many so-called experts on security giving the best advice, how does a retailer know what security option, if any at all, to use?
Most retailers resort to using CCTV cameras to deter would be thieves – but often this does not deter thieves, especially professional thieves who are good at concealing their identity and hiding from the cameras.
And more often than not cameras are used to review footage after a crime has been committed and although this is good, it will not necessarily prevent losses.
What about security guards?
Security guards are definitely a proven method of loss prevention in retail and security guards have been used for many years.
Retail security guards are an excellent visual deterrent – when would be thieves are greeted by a security guard, they immediately know they have been seen. They are aware that security guards are present, and they are more likely to get caught stealing.
But can one or even a few security guards keep an eye on huge numbers of customers in the store to ensure that they are not stealing? The short answer is no… but there are a few ways that security guards can be more effective in retail security.
If you are a retailer with a team of security guards then it would be a good idea to have CCTV operators, static guards and patrol guards all working together to keep an eye on customers.
Security should pay particular attention to high value items by keeping a camera on the high value section and by carrying out regular patrols in that area.
Security guards are skilled in looking out for overfilling of high value items and making sure that they are properly secured.
A good combination security services provided by an SIA approved contractor can help prevent retailers losing thousands in theft and collusion.