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Monthly Archives: August 2018
What Are the Advantages of Corporate Security?
28 Aug 2018










Corporations are usually busy places that are driven and focused on meeting their business objectives. Most businesses know that a sensible way to ensure smooth running of the business is to instruct a reputable corporate security services provider to take care of the building security. The are advantages of corporate security, and below we identify exactly what those are.

Corporate Security

Corporate security is a way of protecting the premises, assets, staff and visitors. Having this level of security gives your staff and visitors the peace of mind that they are safe and that you take their safety seriously.

Security services providers deploy professionally trained security guards who are trained in fire safety, health and safety and first aid.

Manned Security guards

Manned security guards are trained to cover a number of duties including:

  • Reception security
  • Security patrolling
  • Access control

Reception security guards are able to assist with reception duties including signing people in and out of the building. There aim is to provide a safe environment for everyone in the building.

Security guards are also able to act as fire marshals and in the event of fire evacuation. Guards are skilled in controlling crowds and directing people to the designated fire assembly points.

Frequent security patrols are conducted by guards to not only look out for signs of vandalism, and burglary but to ensure that there are no leaks, fires and health and safety hazards.

Security services can not only save you from suffering losses through theft and criminal damage but can also significantly reduce insurance costs.

Alarm Response and Keyholding

Security services providers can also offer you an alarm response and keyholding service which means that if a fire alarm or intruder alarm is triggered then a professionally trained security unit will respond and investigate. The is especially useful when the building is empty.

If an alarm is activated the mobile response unit will investigate the reason for the activation and then take appropriate action to help prevent you from suffering any loses.

Having a security service provider hold the keys for your premises means that you will always have a spare set of keys held in a secure location and be accessed with just one call. This is useful in the late-night alarm responses and in the case that you or your staff forget or misplace your keys.

Complete Security Solution

Corporate security services offer a complete security solution for your business. This includes:

  • Alarm and CCTV installation
  • Alarm and CCTV remote monitoring
  • Corporate security guards
  • Manned reception security guards
  • Security patrols
  • Alarm Response and Keyholding

If you want to take advantage of these services and protect your business with an SIA approved security provider then contact All Time Security now.

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How Security Services Can Lower Your Insurance Costs
21 Aug 2018












Insurance companies charge a lot of money to cover your premises and hiring a professional security service provider is a great way of, not only securing your premises, but to help reduce insurance costs.

When insurance companies discover that you are taking securing your premises and protecting it from theft, criminal/accidental damage and fire, they will make amendments to reduce your costs.

They will know that by having security services in place you have significantly reduced the risks they are usually securing you against.

Advantages of Security Services for Insurance

There are many advantages of having security services in your premises. Here are just a few:

  • Your building is more secure
  • Insurance costs could go down
  • Less risk of criminal damage
  • Less risk of burglary
  • Less risk of vandalism

Along with this, the security services are also used to prevent industrial sabotage and accidental damage from leaks and fire.

There are many different types of security services you can get for your business and reputable security companies usually have a variety of security solutions to meet your needs.

Security guards

Good old-fashioned security guards are a simple yet effective way of securing your premises. Security guards and SIA qualified professionals who are skilled in being vigilant and competent.

Security guards are a great visual deterrent and are one of the best ways of having access control in the building. Having professional security guards also gives your staff the peace of mind that you are taking their personal security seriously.  Our guards are trained in fire safety, health & safety, first aid, having also had training in conflict management and customer service.

Security guards carry out regular security patrols and are trained to be vigilant. They look out for fire hazards, health and safety and signs of vandalism and leaks. Good security guards can save you thousands of pounds in damages and insurance costs.

CCTV Remote Monitoring & Alarm Remote Monitoring

Many businesses these days have discovered the benefit of having a security services provider providing remote CCTV monitoring and alarm remote monitoring for their business.

Having your business monitored remotely could significantly reduce your insurance costs as the insurance company will know that you have put security measures in place to prevent losses.

Remote monitoring means that you can get a CCTV and alarm security professional monitoring your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is especially useful when premises are empty. This is an option that offers great security and protection and at the fraction of having manned security guards.  We highly recommend CCTV for businesses, especially those with a high amount of valuable assets.

Alarm response and Key Holding

Security services providers offer a complete security solution, catered for your specific business needs.

Another great option they offer is alarm response and key holding. This means that if an alarm is to be activated, whether it be an intruder alarm or fire alarm, professional security response guards will respond by getting to your premises fast.

This is a sure way of keeping your business protected and secure. The security services provider also keeps hold of your keys. The keys are kept in a secure lockup and can only be accessed by authorised personnel.

This is also incredibly useful if you misplace your keys and are unable to get access in to your premises. You can call the security provider and they can assist.

A security services provider will ensure that they offer you a bespoke and complete security solution catered for you.

All Time Security is a leading provider of UK security services. With bases in High Wycombe and London, we have a nationwide presence, with clientele consisting of your everyday home owners, to multi-national corporations. Contact us today to find out how we can help you get started with security protection.

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Security Service Providers
13 Aug 2018












Not all security service providers are the same. A lot of security providers offer a standard service and charge you a great deal of money because they know you need security. These companies don’t always possess the capabilities of providing sufficient security services for your particular business.

This can become problematic for you especially if you are an events organiser and require event security. Events need a security service provider that has a good team and experience in the field. A good company will be an SIA accredited/approved contractor which means they will have been audited and meet the industry standards. They will visit the site that the intended event is to occur and conduct a thorough risk assessment. This will give them a clear understanding of the site’s entrances, exits, capacity and vulnerabilities.

This not only helps with maintaining health and safety at your event, but also helps to keep you compliant within health and safety law.

Professional security guards are not just for events but are used to help maintain security in many areas – this includes retail.

How Security Services Go Beyond Just Security

Retail Security

It is no secret that retail is an area that suffers from theft. Having retail security helps prevent loss through theft by creating a visual deterrent for thieves.

The cost of retail security is far less than what retail stores lose and that’s why all major retailers choose to hire a professional security service.

The retail industry thrives on delivering a great customer experience and that’s why security service providers train their security staff in delivering excellent customer service as well as acting as strong security presence. Security guards are well dressed, polite and helpful and aid the friendly customer experience.

Most people feel more comfortable knowing that they are protected by a security guard whilst they are shopping. Customers also feel that you are taking their safety seriously by having a security service in store.   

Office Security

Security service providers often supply security guards who are SIA qualified and know how to manage reception desks. This becomes particularly important when controlling access into the building.

Your office staff and visitors will feel assured that there is a professional looking out for their safety. Office security man the building reception desk but also carry out security patrols though out the building and in carparks to make sure everything is in order.

Hotel security

Hotels know the value of having a hotel security guards in their premises. Hotel security manage the reception desk and help with enquires whilst maintaining a safe secure environment for their staff and visitors. Security guards are fire safety, health and safety trained as well as being first aiders. Security services often save lives.

Whether you are run a retail outlet or an office building, having a security service provider is essential to keep you, your staff, visitors and premises safe and secure.   

Contact the team here at All Time Security today to find out which security services you would benefit from having, whether for your home, or for your business.


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How Construction Security Guards Protect Your Assets
06 Aug 2018













Construction can be a tough business and the last thing business owners want is to worry about construction site security. In the latest blog from All Time Security, we look at how construction security guards protect your assets.

High value machines and various tools and building apparatus are common place within construction sites – this, along with expensive materials can a be little gold mine for potential criminals.

Losing these assets can sometimes affect the construction project so much so that the work is stopped.

How can Security Services help?

Hiring a security services provider that understands and has experience in the proving construction security is a great way of protecting assets and expensive materials.

Building security

Building, especially when under construction, are left empty over night and due to the construction work occurring, there is normally often easy access. These leaves the building and assets vulnerable to:

  • Criminal damage/vandalism
  • Arson
  • Industrial sabotage
  • Leaks and fire  
  • Theft/burglary

Along with this there is always the risk of having squatters. Unauthorised people who enter the building and occupy it. This can become a huge problem and can delay the work and can pose a serious health and safety threat.

A good security services provider will arrange for construction site security to be vigilant of such threats and ensure that any unauthorised people are not permitted on site.  

Access control

Construction site security guards are trained in access control. They are briefed on who is permitted access and who is not and the timings in which people can enter and by which time they must leave.

These gives business owners the peace of mind that there building is being kept safe and secure and no unauthorised people are entering the site.  

Construction security patrols   

The great thing about having construction site security is that the professional security guards will carry out regular security patrols and actively seek out problems such as:

  • Evidence of forced entry
  • Signs of squatters
  • Signs of vandalism
  • Vulnerable areas and blind spots

Good security guards are skilled in identifying fire risks and are fire warden trained. Having construction site security guards who are fire safety and health and safety trained can save lives.

If you are looking for an SIA approved security provider that is ISO9001 compliant for your construction site, contact All Time Security:

Tel. 0333 005 0945


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Benefits of CCTV for Businesses
01 Aug 2018








Most business owners know that securing their premises is a must. There are many security services available, ranging from security guards, mobile security patrols all the way to CCTV security and CCTV remote monitoring.

Although you would hope that your business remains safe, there is a risk of burglary, vandalism and sabotage. To reduce this risk, it is important to conduct a risk assessment and put relevant security services in place.

Why is having CCTV security important?

CCTV security has become a crucial component in securing a building. This becomes even more important when the building is unoccupied. Most businesses premises are empty evenings, nights and weekends – leaving them vulnerable and not secure. Having CCTV cameras installed means that you can rest assured that your building is being watched and footage is being recorded. If an incident were to occur, it would be recorded and can be used as evidence to catch and prosecute perpetrators.

CCTV cameras are also a visual deterrent. If a potential thief or vandal becomes aware that your building is secure, they will be less likely to commit a criminal offence.

What to consider when getting CCTV camera installation     

If you do not have CCTV cameras installed and have realised the benefits of having them, you really need to be careful when finding a security service that provides installation.

A company like All Time Security is reputable, provides high quality CCTV equipment and has qualified, trained and experienced CCTV installation engineers.  ATS ensures that all its cameras are of high resolution for a high definition, crisp picture. This is crucial when identifying culprits in action. Also, the company will also make certain that all external cameras are robust, resilient against vandalism, have night vision and are weatherproof.

It is important that your installer is experienced and has engineers who are trained to do the job. Installing CCTV cameras is not as simple as dotting cameras all over the building at random. You need an experienced security services provider to complete a full survey of your premises. From this survey, they will strategically work out the best places to install the cameras.

ATS will:

  • identify the most vulnerable areas
  • look at any historical incidents and the areas in which they occurred
  • find blind spots
  • take into considerations all entrances and exits
  • secure all doors and windows
  • look at any garages and car parks

The security services provider will also look at areas of low lighting and will advise on how to increase visibility. Criminals feel comfortable in low lit areas where they think they cannot be seen. ATS works relentlessly in discovering and creating preventative measures.

CCTV Remote Monitoring

Another great way of securing your premises is to have a security services provider who can remotely monitor your CCTV cameras. Companies such as All Time Security have a 24-hour secure remote monitoring station. This is manned with qualified and skilled professionals who will keep a close eye on your premises.

Remote CCTV monitoring means that you can cut the cost of hiring a full-time security guard. You will still have the advantage of having professional security operators surveying your premises, but will still be able to prevent:

  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Industrial espionage
  • Leaks
  • Fires  

All Time Security is an SIA approved contractor for security services. Contact us today to find out how we can help with CCTV installation and remote monitoring for your business or home. Security services are important for the safety and protection of your business, so make sure you are prepared for any potential incidents.

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