
  • Security Guarding
  • Door Supervision
  • Event Security
  • Corporate Security
  • Concierge Security
  • Construction Site Security
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Why You Should Be Investing in Security Concierge Services
28 Jun 2024

When you enter a building, be it a hotel, office or residential complex, what do you do first? Nine times out of ten, you will look for who is there to help you – most often, the concierge. Concierge services play an important role in making the visitors to a premises feel safe and looked-after. They combine security services with exceptional customer care – acting as both a protective force and a friendly face. In this blog, we will delve into the numerous benefits of investing in concierge security services and why they’re such a crucial component for many UK businesses.

Enhancing Security Measures

Concierge services provide a proactive approach to security. Unlike conventional security guards – who often only react to incidents and focus on acting as a reassuring presence from the sidelines –  security concierges are trained to anticipate potential threats and mitigate them before they escalate. This proactive stance is achieved through continuous monitoring, risk assessments, and an understanding of advanced security protocols.

Concierge security services leverage cutting-edge technology to enhance their effectiveness – they will often play a role in the CCTV monitoring of a building, as well as overseeing other manned security forces on site. Security concierges work closely with business owners to develop customised security plans to address specific vulnerabilities and risks, as it would be negligent to treat two locations the same. This tailored approach ensures that all potential security gaps are covered, providing comprehensive protection for your business.

Personalised Service

Security concierges are not just security personnel; they are also trained to provide excellent customer service. Their role often includes:

  • Greeting visitors
  • Overseeing and manning reception areas
  • Assisting with queries
  • Conflict de-escalation
  • Fulfilling specific requests

Because of this, concierges need to be trustworthy, authoritative and highly competent. This often takes a lot of training, and can’t always be achieved by just anyone. This level of service goes beyond traditional security duties, adding value to your business and improving the overall experience for everyone on your premises.

Minimising Risks

Investing in concierge services means benefiting from their knowledge of comprehensive risk management. Security concierges are trained to identify and assess potential risks, be they physical threats, unauthorised access attempts, or even cybersecurity concerns. In the event of an emergency, having a security concierge on-site can be a critical asset, as they have likely prepared for this situation to occur at some point in their training.

A secure and well-managed business environment reduces the risk of accidents, theft, and other incidents that could lead to liability claims and damage to your business’ reputation. By investing in security concierge services, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to safety and security, which may even count towards reducing insurance premiums.

Improved Efficiency

Concierge security can contribute to the efficiency of your overall business operations. By managing access control, visitor logs, and security systems, these highly competent individuals streamline these processes and free up your staff to focus on their core responsibilities. This improved efficiency can lead to increased productivity and better resource allocation.

As previously mentioned, security concierge services are often well-versed in the technology that allows for real-time incident reporting and communication, such as CCTV monitoring. Any security breach or suspicious activity is promptly reported and documented, enabling swift action and reducing the likelihood of escalation. This real-time responsiveness is crucial for maintaining a secure business environment.

Brand Reputation Management

Investing in concierge services reflects well on your business. Providing visitors and employees with a secure yet welcoming environment demonstrates your commitment to their safety and well-being. This positive perception can attract new customers and strengthen relationships with existing ones.

In the UK, the threat to businesses from violent criminals is higher than both the European and worldwide averages. In a country where there is such a risk of potential crises, the way a business responds to a security breach can have a lasting impact on its reputation. Concierges can help navigate challenging situations such as these with professionalism and care.

Find the face to front your security team

Concierges play a vital role in creating a safe and welcoming environment. If you are looking to enhance the security and customer service experience for your business, consider integrating concierge security services such as ours. Our concierges’ comprehensive approach to security and commitment to excellence will provide you with peace of mind and allow you to focus on what you do best – running your business.

For more information on how concierge services can benefit your business, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.

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Security service providers have the knowledge, resources and trained staff to provide a suitable and effective security solution.
Are In-house or Outsourced Private Security Guards Better for My Business?

Keeping your business, employees and customers safe should be one of the primary concerns of any business owner. Deciding how to secure your business is a choice that can impact your operations, costs, and overall security. If you’re not sure whether to employ a security team of your own or reach out to security companies for some outsourced enforcement, we can help.

Understanding In-house Security Guards

In-house security guards are your employees – people directly employed and managed by your business. As part of your staff, these guards will be integrated into your company’s culture and day-to-day operations. Managing in-house security requires a dedicated team responsible for recruitment, training, scheduling, and overall management of the security personnel. It’s best if they themselves have some experience in this area. Let’s consider the pros of this approach.

Pros of Employing In-house Security Guards

  • Enhanced control – One of the significant advantages of in-house security guards is the level of control you have over their operations. You make the rules, set the roles, and give the orders to best meet the specific needs of your business.
  • Familiarity – In-house guards typically become familiar with your business premises, employees, and regular visitors. This means that they are well-equipped to identify unusual activities or individuals. This consistency can lead to a more secure environment as the guards develop an intuitive understanding of the workplace dynamics and potential security challenges – something that can really improve the peace of mind of your employees.
  • Integration with company culture – Since in-house security guards are your employees, they can be more easily integrated into your company’s culture and values. Corporate security services need to walk the line between being professional and personable so that people feel able to approach them for help.
  • Immediate responsiveness – With in-house security, you can expect fast responses to any incidents that occur. The direct line of communication within the organisation ensures that security personnel are promptly informed of any issues as and when they arise.

Cons of In-house Security Guard Systems

  • Higher costs – Employing in-house security guards can be costly, meaning it isn’t a sensible choice for everyone. You are responsible for salaries, benefits, training, uniforms, equipment, and other related expenses – all of these things can add up very quickly. As well as this, you have to allocate appropriate resources for recruiting and managing the security team, which can strain your business’s budget, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Administrative burden – Managing an in-house security team adds to your administrative workload, which may be a major con for some businesses. From payroll and scheduling to ensuring compliance with regulations and conducting regular performance evaluations, the administrative responsibilities can be time-consuming and complex.
  • Limited flexibility – In-house security arrangements might not be flexible enough to scale up or down quickly in response to changing security needs. If your business experiences a sudden increase in security demands, such as during special events or high-risk periods, you may need to bring in outsourced security to bolster your defenses, defeating the point of going in-house in the first place.
  • Training and development – Ensuring that your in-house security guards are adequately briefed on the latest security practices requires ongoing investment in training and development programs. This can be both time-consuming and costly, especially if your business is new to having security and therefore lacks the expertise to design and deliver effective training.

Outsourcing Security Guard Services

Many businesses choose to outsource their security guard services. For a wide proportion of businesses, contracting third-party private security companies to provide trained personnel for your business relieves a lot of the workload of going in-house. These companies live and breathe security every day, and tend to be able to offer a range of flexible options – everything from uniformed guards to advanced surveillance systems.

Pros of Outsourced Security Guard Services

  • Cost-effective -Outsourcing security services can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. You only pay for the services you need, which doesn’t include paying for salaries, benefits, training, and management. This can be particularly beneficial to any businesses on limited budgets.
  • Expertise – Security companies specialise in providing security services, meaning their guards are highly trained and experienced. By outsourcing, you gain access to a pool of security experts with knowledge of the latest security technologies, best practices, and industry standards.
  • Scalability – Outsourced security services offer a lot more flexibility to adjust the level of security based on your business needs – which can change quite drastically in a relatively short space of time. Whether you need additional guards for a special event or enhanced security during high-risk periods, security companies can quickly scale their services to meet your requirements, without you having to go through the process of hiring more staff.
  • Less admin – Outsourcing shifts the responsibility of recruitment, training, scheduling, and management to the security company. This reduces the administrative burden on your business, reduces the risk of not meeting compliance standards, and allows you to focus on core operations.
  • Access to technology – Many security companies invest in advanced security technologies, such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and alarm systems. By outsourcing, your business can benefit from these technologies without the need for significant capital investment.

Cons and Limitations of Outsourced Security Guard Services

  • Less control – When you outsource private security services, you forfeit some of your control over the security personnel and their training. While this can sometimes lead to miscommunications or other issues, usually it means that it’s those with more experience in the industry calling the shots – which is a win for everyone.
  • Inconsistency – Outsourced security guards may not have the same level of familiarity with your business premises and regular activities as in-house guards.
  • Miscommunication – Maintaining effective communication with outsourced security personnel is essential, and can lead to issues if not kept on top of.

The best house is a safe house

Choosing between in-house and outsourced security guard services depends on your business’s unique needs, budget, and priorities. You need to choose the option that will make your business most secure, and that works best with your day-to-day operations.

Consulting with security experts is a great way to identify the specific security requirements of your business, the costs involved, and the potential benefits and limitations of each option. For many, this advice is simply too good to lose, and leads to the foundations of an outsourced security contract. The goal is to create a secure and safe environment that supports your business’s growth and success, and oftentimes experience in this area trumps everything else.

We’re happy to share what we’ve learned from our collective years of providing corporate security services. Get in touch today to see what our experts can do for you.

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Ready to Secure Your Construction Site? Here’s how
21 May 2024

With the surging rates of theft and vandalism impacting building projects across the country, implementing effective construction site security is essential to ensuring the success of your projects – and the safety of your workers. Here’s how to get started.

Why is Construction Site Security Essential?

High quality construction security services are essential for many reasons. Not only do they protect assets such as materials and machinery, but they also ensure worker safety, prevent delays, and help construction companies to comply with regulations. They are the oil that keeps the machine running, and help to minimise any threats to project completion.

Understanding the Risks

Here are some of the risks associated with failing to properly secure your construction site.

  • Crime and theft – rising crime rates across construction sites mean that 89% of tradespeople have been the victim of – or know someone who has been the victim of – theft. Stolen machinery, tools or materials can lead to major financial loss and project delays.
  • Trespassing – whether in the name of vandalism and theft or by accident, trespassers can cause property damage, delay timelines, and even pose liability issues to the construction company.
  • Reputational/legal damage – not being able to properly secure your construction site might damage relations with clients both present and future. Not only this, but failing to comply with local safety and security measures can result in hefty fines and penalties.
  • Harm to workers – keeping your site secure and well-patrolled helps to prevent harm to workers by enforcing safety protocols, and providing a designated emergency response force.

The Impact of Effective Security Measures

Employing the right security measures can improve every aspect of your project. Workers will feel more secure; you will feel more able to invest in expensive assets knowing they are protected; and your business’ reputation will be bolstered as a result.

What Makes a Construction Site Secure?

A secure construction site should be well-lit and securely fenced, with monitored access points and regular security audits. After a thorough risk assessment, security measures can be put in place and tailored to each site’s specific needs and vulnerabilities.

The Role of Security Personnel and Site Guards

The personnel supplied by construction site security companies are key to enforcing security measures. They will be needed to control any access points, patrol the site, and respond to any emergencies such as accidents or perimeter breaches. A visible security presence can often be the deterrent needed to keep any would-be criminals away. It’s important that these guards are trained to the appropriate level for the kinds of incidents they might encounter, and are confident in action as well as competent on paper.

Technological Innovations in Construction Security

Here are some of the recent advances in technology have been being used to help enhance construction site security:

  • GPS tracking for equipment that is susceptible to theft.
  • Remotely controlled drone surveillance for larger sites.
  • Biometric security measures at access points, making sure that only authorised personnel can come and go.

Choosing the Right Security Service

When looking at potential construction site security companies, you need to consider the specific needs of your site and industry.

Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a Security Service

  • Does this company have experience of projects similar to yours?
  • Does this company have a proven track record of excellence?
  • Do this company’s security personnel have the qualifications you require them to have?
  • Are they willing to tailor their approach to your needs?
  • Do they make you feel confident that your site will be well-protected?

Why Choose All Time Security?

We understand that improper site security can have expensive consequences. As well as protecting your interests, we want to protect the standards we uphold and provide the best service possible to all customers. This is why our staff are rigorously vetted, extensively trained, and supported by resources such as our 24/7 control room and high-quality equipment. Reach out for a quote for our flexible, comprehensive services.


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Understanding the Role and Responsibilities of Door Supervisors

The presence of door supervisors can immediately make an event of venue feel like a safer place. The knowledge that people coming and going will be vetted by a licenced professional can make a big difference in the mindset of the guests and the to the potential for trouble occurring. By verifying guest lists, checking bags, and ensuring that patrons adhere to the venue’s rules, they’re ensuring a safer time for everyone involved. Let’s look at door supervisor responsibilities and the factors you need to consider when hiring them.

The Importance of Door Supervision in Today’s World

Door supervisors are the frontline guardians of safety and order in venues across the UK. They play a huge part in facilitating an atmosphere in which people can have a good time, safe in the knowledge that they’re unlikely to be disturbed by antisocial behaviour or combative individuals. While antisocial behaviour rates seem to be decreasing, the number of people applying for and attaining door supervisor licenses is the highest it has been in 10 years, showing that the demand for their services is higher than ever.

This makes sense when looking at just a few examples of the many places where door supervisors might be required:

  • Hotels
  • Nightclubs
  • Concerts
  • Retail stores
  • Sporting events
  • Theme parks
  • Theatres

Even at venues where antisocial behaviour may not be expected or often experienced, there are still benefits to be gained from employing door supervisors.

Key Responsibilities of Door Supervisors

Here are some key door supervisor responsibilities.

Ensuring Safety and Security

Door supervisors are responsible for many actions that contribute towards the safety and security of a venue. Conducting bag searches, checking guest lists, verifying IDs and assessing the demeanour of patrons are preventative measures, necessary to reduce the risk of unwanted or illegal behaviour from occurring within the premises. They should also be familiar with any emergency procedures, such as a venue’s evacuation process.

Conflict Resolution

In the event of disputes or fights between patrons, door supervisors are the first point of call for conflict resolution. Whether this means settling arguments, ejecting disruptive individuals, or liaising with emergency services, they are responsible for the safety of the rest of the guests and staff. They will need to be able to stay calm, practice active listening, and offer solutions, while maintaining professional boundaries. A well-trained door supervisor can prevent a misunderstanding from escalating into a potentially dangerous situation.

Choosing Between Door Supervisor Companies

When hiring door supervisors, it’s important to choose a company that will reflect well on your business. No one wants to be known as the place with ‘bad bouncers’ that don’t encourage a safe environment. Here are some things to look for when comparing door supervisor companies.

Credentials and Training

Firstly, it is illegal to work as a door supervisor without a license issued by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), so this should be the first thing you confirm. It’s also useful to look for candidates with further specialist training in areas specific to your venue e.g. door supervisors who are versed in spiking awareness for a venue that serves alcohol. They should also be qualified in basic First Aid and Fire Safety.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

When it comes to judging a door supervision company’s customer service, look to recent reviews of their services. Testimonials from former or current clients are a great way to assess whether or not your chosen company will be compatible with your business.

All Time Security: A Trusted Name in Door Supervision

As an SIA approved contractor, we are a security company that is committed to providing the best service possible. All of our staff adhere to and reflect our high standards and are regularly upskilled in their training and qualifications. Take a look at more of the reasons why you should choose us to provide your security.

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How to Hire a Good Event Security Company in London
11 Apr 2024

London is regarded as the number one city in the UK for hosting an event. From the range of venues to the sheer number of people, not to mention the city’s vibrant culture, bustling corporate scene and links to the arts, it’s no wonder that people opt for the capitol as the setting for their events. But with any gathering of people comes the responsibility of being able to ensure their safety and comfort during their time spent as your guest. This is where event security becomes paramount.  

If you’re in the dark when it comes to how event security companies operate and what hiring one entails, this blog will give you all of the information you need to make a confident decision.

What is event security?

The term event security covers a wide range of measures that can be put in place to safeguard an event. This includes protecting guests, staff, and assets. Trained security personnel are put in place to mitigate any potential risks, and use their training and technology to respond to any disturbances or threats that may occur. Crowd management, perimeter maintenance and surveillance all fall under the role of event security.

Why is it important?

Large gatherings present a wide range of opportunities for crime, dangerous activity and disorderly conduct to occur. This is especially true when there is alcohol involved. As an event organiser it is your responsibility to put appropriate security measures in place to protect your attendees, staff, and property. Doing so is not only beneficial for safety purposes, but also for the reputation and success of the event itself. 

Common event threats and risks

Some common threats that can occur at London-based events include: 

  • Violence – under the right circumstances any kind of altercation can quickly escalate to involving bodily harm and pose a risk to anyone in the vicinity. 
  • Theft and vandalism – criminals may target your event to steal or vandalise property. 
  • Terrorism – unfortunately, any large event in London can become a target for terrorist attacks. 
  • Medical emergencies – ranging from crushing crowds to fainting guests, medical emergencies can occur no matter the size of your event and require a swift response. 

How to plan for your security needs

You can’t hire the appropriate event security company without first understanding the exact security requirements of your event. Consider the following:

  • Do you have a comprehensive risk assessment in place? This should outline any possible threats to your event, from the criminal to the environmental or accidental. 
  • Decide which security measures best suit the risks you have identified. 
  • Considering the scale of your event and the number of guests, what size security team would be required to effectively mitigate any of the potential risks. 
  • Develop an emergency response plan for yourself and your staff that can be communicated among your team and your eventual security team. If you have any difficult with this, your hired security personnel should be able to help you create one.

Hiring your event security 

Finding the best fit for your event will come down to a wide variety of factors. There are plenty of event security companies to choose from in London, and it’s important that you find a company that understands the nature of your event and how you want it to be run. 

Take into consideration a company’s reputation and reviews – if they have a proven track record of providing stellar security for events of a similar nature to yours, they could be a good match. What technologies and security solutions can they provide? Some companies are better equipped than others, and a good company should be able to tailor their offerings to suit your event.  

Don’t be afraid to enter into discussions with multiple companies to get a good feel of what they are able to offer you. Ask to verify their certifications and licenses, request custom quotes, and see how responsive and open to collaboration they are.

Managing your security on the day

On the day of your event it’s quite likely that you will have a long list of things that require your attention. With the right preparation in place you should hopefully be able to leave anything security related to the experts you have hired.

In order to be able to relax when it comes to your security measures, make sure you do the following: 

  • Brief your security personnel and provide a detailed outline of their roles and responsibilities for the day, as well as any emergency procedures. 
  • Establish and maintain an open flow of communication between yourself and your security team. 
  • Decide how and when you would like information to be passed to you should anything suspicious take place; this is important not just for your peace of mind, but also that of the guests, who may not respond well to seeing security pull you aside. 

Best practices for securing your event

Here are our top tips for maintaining event security in London and making it easier for security personnel to keep your event running smoothly and the people in your care safe. 

  • Limit the entry and exit points to your event. This gives security staff fewer places they need to monitor and helps to make ticketing and ID chests clearer. 
  • Make sure your event is well-lit, or if this is not possible, that security staff have ways of being able to maintain visibility. 
  • Encourage your guests to report any suspicious behaviour, and make sure that guests can identify security staff in order to be able to do this. 
  • After your event, take note of what worked well and what needs to be improved for your next booking. 

Consider All Time Security

We wouldn’t be comfortable giving you this advice if we weren’t confident in our expertise. The experience and professionalism of All Time Security services mean that we are able to provide the highest standard of event security and allow our partners to focus on what has gone right instead of what might go wrong. For more information on the security services we can offer for your even in London, get in touch today. 

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Integrating Security Patrols with Local Law Enforcement: A Collaborative Approach

Visible and competent security services can make a world of difference in enhancing a feeling of safety in a workplace, event venue, accommodation or other public settings. When those security services are seen to be working alongside local law enforcement, it is even more of a comfort – and more off-putting to any would-be troublemakers. Let’s talk about how encouraging collaboration between your security patrol and law enforcement can provide mutual benefits for both organisations, and what you can do to foster a successful partnership. 

Why should collaboration be the goal?

It’s important to understand the context of the relationship between private security and public police forces in the UK. In recent times, private security firms have become more and more popular due to their versatility and specialisation. Meanwhile, public law enforcement has been facing difficulty due to challenges such as budget cuts and a concerning rise in crime rates 

Now that private security firms have the right kind of resources and training to hand, they are more equipped than ever to support (and be supported by) police forces in their shared goal of promoting public safety and preventing crime. This is preferable to the two forces being seen as opposing powers.

What benefits can you expect from integrating these agencies?

  • Enhanced public safety – the main goal of both private security and law enforcement should always be keeping people safe and protected. By working together to deter criminals, respond quickly to incidents and present a united front, public safety will benefit.  
  • Maximised resources – working together allows for the sharing of resources, whether this means personnel, intelligence, experience or equipment. This gives both teams a greater capacity to respond to any incidents that may arise. 
  • Improve information sharing and communication – by sharing information between each other, both security patrols and law enforcement will have a more comprehensive understanding of a situation and the potential threats to it. This makes decision-making easier and improves situational awareness. 
  • Collaborative responses to incidents – by being in a situation where they can respond to incidents as collaborative force, the risk of confusion or miscommunication is minimised. 
  • Increased deterrence – as always, there is safety in numbers. Security patrols and law enforcement working together serves as a very visible and intimidating deterrent to any criminals. 
  • More community engagement – public and private sectors being seen to work together with the shared goal of protecting the public is likely to encourage more community engagement for both forces, and build trust. 
  • Professional development  – joint training exercises and briefings, the sharing of skills and expertise, and the experience of working alongside each other is a great development opportunity for members of both forces. 

Where to start

Here are some of the key factors to consider when looking to integrate your private security patrol with local law enforcement. 

Defining roles and responsibilities

Your security personnel can only perform to the best of their ability when they have a clear understanding of exactly what is required of them in their role. Clarity regarding both the separate and shared responsibilities of security patrols and law enforcement is paramount to the seamless integration of their operations. Make sure protocols are well-defined and explain exactly how and when security personnel should escalate incidents to the police, and consider including transparent guidelines for interactions with law enforcement officers. By removing ambiguity, you enhance operational efficiency. 

Encourage the sharing of information

At a time when the sharing of information (both factual and false) is easier than ever, being able to effectively communicate data is essential to maintaining visibility in potentially dangerous situations. Protocols should be made clarifying how, when and why information is shared, for example CCTV footage, observations, or incident reports. Being able to leverage insights such as these in a collaborative way helps to strengthen collective responses to security threats. 

Make comprehensive response plans

All parties involved should know exactly how any emergency incident will be responded to. Plans should be made dictating clear procedures for a wide variety of possible incidents, as well as how incidents may escalate depending on the variables at play. Both parties should be agreed on the best practices and overall priorities when it comes to safeguarding lives and property. Failing to prepare these coordinate responses could have severe consequences.  


Of course, the integration of two such forces isn’t without its challenges. Cultural and organisational differences across the two sectors can impede the creation of protocols, and issues surrounding legal liability and the sharing of information can hinder the defining of roles and flow of communication. It’s important that any joint ventures are built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect, and that the shared goal of public safety comes before and pre-existing biases. 

An example

Here is an example of how a security patrol and local law enforcement working together can prevent a crime that hasn’t yet been committed. 

In this scenario, a private security patrol is monitoring a busy shopping centre during peak weekend hours. Security personnel notice a group of individuals who appear to be loitering outside of and paying close attention to an electronics store. They appear to be making efforts to conceal things within their clothing, avoid the gaze of security personnel, and hide their faces. 

This potential threat is communicated to a designated law enforcement liaison, with detailed descriptions of the individuals and their behaviour. This information is then shared with nearby police units to coordinate a response. Joint surveillance is then made possible, and the individuals are intercepted as they attempt a smash and grab robbery. 

The sharing of information and joint response to the threat helped to prevent unnecessary harm, damage, and financial losses. 

Enhance your security

If you’re looking for security patrol services, of for more information on how you can encourage collaboration between your security personnel and local law enforcement, reach out to our All Time Security experts today.  

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Why Have a SIA company?
Why Every Hotel and Office Needs Reception Security
27 Feb 2024

Your reception area is the first line of defence against everything – visitors, guests and employees included. If a security breach is going to happen, the reception area is a hotspot for such violations. Safeguarding your premises has never been as important as in today’s risk-ridden world, which is why you must invest in reputable reception security

With the expert help of All Time Security, learn about the common misconceptions about reception spaces, why you need reception security and much more, below.

Common Misconceptions About Reception Spaces

Perhaps because they’re high-traffic spaces often monitored by CCTV, hotels and offices are unfortunately lured into a false sense of security about their reception areas. As a result, reception security personnel are overlooked and considered an unnecessary investment. After all, if your reception is a low-risk zone, how could they help? But, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Any reception space is certainly the first line of defence against unauthorised individuals, but also the protection of assets. Your reception desk may house classified documents, cash from guests, and even employees’ personal belongings. Adequate security is a must to keep these important items in safe hands. 

Additionally, many hotels and offices have a major misconception that reception security is actually limited in what they can do to protect the property. Of course, reception security is a niche, but we at All Time Security have a wide range of skills that we lend to the reception areas under our protection throughout the UK. This service doesn’t only involve a physical barrier – like a metal detector at the door – or the presence of suited-up personnel. From CCTV monitoring to security patrol and access control, we’re constantly on the lookout for threats to your business operations. The scope of what we’re able to do for you is therefore comprehensive, and not at all limited.

Rest assured, reception security is more imperative to the safety of your hotel or business office than you might think.

The Unique Security Needs of Hotels and Offices

Hotels and offices are very unique spaces in the commercial world – even if they are remarkably common across the UK! As such, they have unique security needs.

Hotels cater to such a wide demographic of guests and employees that their reception areas are a constant hub of comings and goings. They have a great responsibility to constantly monitor these guests and other miscellaneous visitors, whilst maintaining order in the reception area. Guest safety and privacy are of paramount concern. 

The security needs of office spaces are also distinct: employees, visitors and tradesmen are a daily occurrence, although (unlike hotels) their presence is often regular and unremarkable. Yet, this regularity lures businesses into a false comfort. Because office spaces are considered to be low-risk and secure, this is ironically often the reason that they’re not – security threats go unnoticed and regrettably enabled.

For both hotels and offices, they are unique in that they cater to diverse visitors with bespoke needs and expectations. Hiring reception security therefore has multiple benefits. Not only do you have personnel on-site that can aid in the day-to-day running of your business, but you’re also able to prevent unauthorised access to your property, manage potential threats, generate a welcoming and professional atmosphere, and have a fallback in case of emergency response and crisis management. 

At All Time Security, our reception security personnel are well-trained to manage and diffuse urgent situations. Emergencies like injury, violence, theft or vandalism can be immediately handled with effective visitor management protocols, a clear risk assessment and a thought-out response plan – features that can only be carried out by a security expert. 

When Reception Security is Crucial

As recently as 2022, over 4,500 allegations of violence and over 1,300 of public disorder occurred in hotels, motels and guesthouses. Corporate crime is also more common than most realise in office spaces, to the extent that the UK has implemented a new Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, though this is more related to theft. Violence and theft are both concerns that mar hotel and office spaces, particularly those without reliable reception security keep a close watch on their daily operations.

Reception security plays a crucial role in deterring undesirable, threatening behaviour in these busy spaces. Often, the presence of one or two personnel is enough to keep public disorder at bay and enhance your professional reputation. For hotels, 82% of guests would feel reassured in an accommodation accredited for security and safety. This reassurance holds great weight when considering customer loyalty and the smooth running of your business. 

Plus, as we’ve hinted at before if unruly visitors or offenders debate entering your hotel or office to cause trouble or steal, they’ll think twice with a security guard at the front door. In general, it is due diligence to implement security measures – however unnecessary they may seem to your operations at first – for any environment in close contact with the general public, and also with employees. 

A reception security guard can always help you out more than you’d think. They’re an undoubtedly crucial force to be reckoned with! 

Explore Your Options With All Time Security

If your hotel or business office has carried on without facing a security threat to date, you might be hesitant to make any changes to your security policies. But, we highly recommend evaluating and improving your current security measures regardless – the future is always in flux, and more security challenges are occurring and evolving every day. 

Rather than be caught up in the tide of new security threats and being unable to handle them with inappropriate response plans, stay ahead of the curve with All Time Security. We’re ready to offer companies throughout the UK further resources and assistance in developing their effective reception security strategies with our professional help. 

Contact All Time Security for more insight, today. 

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All-Time Security – Security Solutions for Local Businesses: Tailoring Services to Meet Oxfordshire’s Unique Needs

Local businesses in Oxfordshire are invaluable to the local economy, spurring employment and providing much needed goods and services. But, because local businesses often don’t consider ramping up their security like their conglomerate-level counterparts, they leave their assets and employees vulnerable. 

However safe you may consider your location in Oxfordshire to be, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. To this end, we at All Time Security are well-prepared to provide expert security solutions for local businesses in this area. Our security services are complete; from around-the-clock CCTV monitoring to door supervision and a concierge, our clients can depend on our expertise.

As one of the most reputable security companies in Oxfordshire, trust us to tailor our professional services to meet your business’s unique needs. In the meantime, read on for more information about potential security challenges in Oxfordshire, and how we help you nip these challenges in the bud before problems even arise.

What security challenges might your Oxfordshire business face?

There are a variety of security challenges that your Oxfordshire business might face, even when operations have been smooth sailing so far. Local businesses are often susceptible to theft, to the extent that 11% of UK business premises experience this crime more than once a day. Violence and anti-social behaviour may also be a concern, particularly if your business is open till the late hours. Read on for more security challenges that could disrupt the day-to-day running, and – beyond that – even the success of your business, below:

Employee Theft

As unpleasant as it is to consider, employees also pose an internal security challenge to a business. Theft is unfortunately commonplace, and if your business maintains a digital presence, the potential for data breaches is also strong. Implementing in-person and technological security measures is best to catch employee-related challenges before they become a detrimental concern.

Vandalism and Property Damage

Vandalism and property damage a major security concerns facing businesses in Oxfordshire – even if you implement recommended security measures like locks, biometric access, shutters, barred windows and more. Not only can security cameras help deter malicious vandals, but the tangible presence of security personnel acts as a more efficient deterrent.

Employee Safety Concerns

Local businesses in Oxfordshire have a responsibility to keep their employees safe. During their shift, employees face a variety of safety challenges, many of which are related to the handling of cash, managing customers, and fending off potential hazards like electricity and fire. Businesses without emergency exits, fire alarms, good lighting and reliable security personnel place their employees at exponential risk. 


There are various security and privacy regulations that local businesses must meet daily. Failure to implement certain security measures in your business – like CCTV monitoring or even appropriate shutters and locks – could not only lead to damage and theft of your property but various legal consequences. As a result. falling short of governmental regulations becomes a security challenge in more ways than one.

Unsecured Premises

Security companies in Oxfordshire exist to mitigate the dangers of unsecured business premises. If your local business has inadequate locks, poor lighting in vulnerable areas, weakened or inadequate fencing; these are vulnerabilities that can be exploited for criminal purposes. It is also worrying for employees who must close these premises on a night shift and opens up a host of legal concerns if a business were to be broken into after hours. 

The professionals at All Time Security have often advised on additional security measures to further secure Oxfordshire businesses.

How we can help you mitigate these security risks

Though the security challenges described above can sound very intimidating, and, for some local businesses in Oxfordshire, insurmountable to overcome, the team at All Time Security can absolutely help you mitigate these security risks. As an SIA-approved contractor – in all aspects of our staff, policies and procedures – we are perfectly equipped and trained to provide our Oxfordshire clientele with the following tailorable security solutions:

  • Concierge Services – The first point of contact between a customer and your business, our concierge security guards deliver a first-class service that involves supporting your customers with appropriate and professional assistance, and, significantly, halting potential security risks at the front door.
  • CCTV Remote Monitoring – When a significant in-person security presence may deter customers or your business is shut for the night, we offer 24/7/365 CCTV remote monitoring, operated in tandem with motion sensors and a direct link to manned guards and emergency services if a situation requires it.
  • Alarm Response & Key Holding – Our alarm systems are properly installed by experienced engineers, and when triggered, an on-duty alarm response security will immediately respond to the breach. We can also provide key holding in case of emergencies, and also if your business requires around-the-clock assistance. 
  • Manned Security Guards – Whether for door supervision or security patrol, we provide qualified and vetted manned security guards to keep your Oxfordshire business safe. This is suitable for businesses of all kinds; retail, corporate, industrial or even a construction site.

We are also well-known for our retail security services, corporate and commercial services, event security, educational campus care and more. Whatever local business you operate, we have the preventative measures required to deter and eradicate all potential security challenges. Our client satisfaction across Oxfordshire and beyond testifies to this. 

The benefits of choosing a local security provider

At All Time Security, we understand Oxfordshire’s unique needs and challenges as a local security provider. We know the area and the community well and have always made sure our employees are trained in the latest security industry standards. This ensures we can meet Oxfordshire’s distinct requirements with the utmost care, efficiency and adaptability; rest assured, our personnel work tirelessly to raise your security measures to the highest degree.

An often-overlooked benefit of choosing a local security provider from the security companies in Oxfordshire is also our potential to deliver quick response times in case of emergencies. Though part of our complete security services includes the provision of door supervision, in the case that businesses contract us for CCTV monitoring or key holding alone, we are always ready to dispatch personnel to prevent theft, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. 

For more information about All Time Security and our Oxfordshire-centric security solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our team. Explore our robust range of customisable security services, here.

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Top Security Measures for Businesses in Hertfordshire: Protecting Your Assets and Employees

Security services in Hertfordshire can save your local business from a host of security risks, including theft, vandalism and non-compliance with governmental regulations. Many businesses have a legal responsibility to secure their premises and protect the assets and employees within.

Local businesses in Hertfordshire are invaluable for boosting the local economy and provide much-needed jobs, products, services and even entertainment. That’s why it’s so important that these premises are kept safe and intact. Though however safe and secure your business may seem to be, there are always improvements that could be made. 

That’s why we, at All Time Security, are here to assist you. We are well-prepared to deliver a wide remit of security services in Hertfordshire and work closely with your business to deliver tailored solutions that meet your unique requirements. Rest assured, our security solutions are more robust than any of our competitors: we provide 24/7/365 CCTV monitoring with a direct link to emergency services and a manned guard if the situation requires it, alongside our other door supervision, concierge, key holding and alarm response services.

To learn more about why you need to protect all of your assets and employees in Hertfordshire and how to do so with our professional help, read on.


Why protecting your assets and employees is important and essential

The smooth running and overall well-being of your business depend entirely on protecting your employees and the expensive assets on-site. If your premises are not secure or have clear vulnerabilities, and then things get stolen or workers get hurt, your business could be liable for the damages. Not only that but your reputation amongst the local community is also put at risk. Hertfordshire is a vast county but often tight-knit, and word-of-mouth could make or break your operations.

For more reasons as to why protecting your assets and employees is essential, see below:

  1. Risk Mitigation – By investing in security measures – even just CCTV and CCTV monitoring – businesses can engage in risk mitigation. This is the identifying of potential security challenges, and the ability to take immediate action to prevent them. Prevention is protection, and security measures are often a highly effective deterrent to those who seek to harm local businesses.
  2. Financial Stability – Damage resulting from theft, vandalism or other common forms of criminal activity that target local businesses, and the legal liabilities that often follow, can seriously impact the financial stability of your operations. Replacing goods and services can even be impossible, depending on the severity of the security risk. As such, by opting for security services in Hertfordshire, you prevent losses on a massive scale. 
  3. Employee Safety – Safe employees are happy employees. Your employee’s well-being is non-negotiable for a successful business and is a legally protected right. And, employees in a healthy and positive work environment also tend to be more productive and engaged. Implementing security measures is a win-win situation for both employer and employee as a result!
  4. Customer Trust – Knowing that their transactions and their personal information are kept under certifiable lock and key goes far in boosting customer trust. This trust is what builds customer loyalty over time, and establishes your local business as a household name in Hertfordshire. When customers need a certain item or service, and they know you prioritise security, you’ll be the first company they look to.
  5. A Competitive Advantage – The safer your business is, the safer customers will feel purchasing from or working with you. They know whatever assets they leave in your care are protected. This lends you a competitive advantage that other enterprises may not have. For example, having door supervision or CCTV monitoring shows that you are invested in maintaining a high standard of safety for both employees and customers. This elevates the general perception of your business and brand, and also the very function of your business itself. 

The most effective security measures to implement in your Hertfordshire business

The most effective security measures that you can implement in your Hertfordshire business with the help of All Time Security are as follows:

  1. CCTV Remote Monitoring – Sometimes, for smaller local businesses, an in-person security team isn’t practical or cost-effective. Instead, CCTV remote monitoring can function as effectively with the right attention and care. At All Time Security, our around-the-clock CCTV monitoring doesn’t miss a thing. We operate this service alongside cleverly placed motion sensors, and a direct link to manned guards and emergency services if any security risks escalate.
  2. Alarm Response & Key Holding – We can install alarm systems throughout your premises with the help of our trained engineers. When triggered, these alarms send out an alarm response security guard to resolve any breaches in security. This is a quick, efficient and proactive security measure that guarantees the swift resolution of any security challenges to your business. Additionally, we also provide key holding in case of emergencies, and if a business requires our 24/7 assistance.
  3. Manned Security Guards – We have a range of manned security guards that can handle various private and public demands. For example, a concierge service, door supervision or security patrol. We even offer close protection if an individual requires it. Our qualified and thoroughly trained security guards can handle all kinds of Hertfordshire businesses; retail, corporate, industrial, construction site or educational campus. 

The benefit of contracting with All Time Security

At All Time Security, we are Hertfordshire locals. We know the area, the community, and every potential security challenge inside and out. Assuredly, we also know about the wide range of businesses that flourish here. The benefit of this local knowledge means that we can adapt our services to meet countless industry needs, from retail shops to hotels, restaurants, and even school campuses. Understanding that each industry requires different security solutions is a large part of what we do.

When you contract with the All Time Security team, you’re dealing with expert security services in Hertfordshire that have been SIA-approved across the board, including our security guard, CCTV monitoring, door supervision, key holding and close protection services. We only ever recruit trustworthy, competent staff members and invest in them so that they can thrive and grow in our demanding industry.

For more information about All Time Security and our Hertfordshire-centric security measures, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. We’re as helpful and communicative as you’d expect, being local to Hertfordshire! And, for those interested in exploring our other reliable security services, see here.

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The Essential Traits of an Effective Door Supervisor: What to Look for in Security Personnel 
18 Jan 2024

Door supervisor security is a non-negotiable for any commercial space, but particularly those with late closing times or expensive valuables inside. Yet, no two door supervisors are the same. To handle a role with such great responsibility, it’s important to be selective in who you hire.  

This hiring process doesn’t have to be drawn out or complicated, as long as you are aware of the essential traits of an effective door supervisor – outlined in this article. Here, we provide invaluable insight into what to look for in security personnel.  

Find out more, below. 

Physical Fitness and Presence 

A door supervisor must be in good physical health and is preferably physically fit. Oftentimes, being involved in door supervisor security requires more than verbal conflict resolution, and the ability to manage a situation if a physical confrontation occurs. Simply put, this means they must be able to withstand anti-social behaviour from members of the public. To this end, it also helps if the door supervisor of your choosing has ‘presence,’ meaning that they appear as strong, commanding and powerful to most onlookers.  

Good Observation 

Conflict can occur in an instant, which means door supervisor security should have exceptional observation skills. Noticing minute changes in the environment prepares you for any circumstances, and enables security personnel to prepare for potential trouble with time to spare. This also leads to better risk management and mitigation; the ultimate goal of door supervisor security is preventing problems before they escalate.  

Conflict Resolution Abilities 

Although door security personnel may be required to handle conflicts physically, the more advanced their conflict resolution abilities are, the less likely it is that confrontations will escalate into fights and other dangerous actions. Previous training in conflict management is something to look for here. However, the essential conflict resolution skills you should keep watch for amongst potential hires include: 

  • Active listening 
  • Empathy 
  • Problem-solving 
  • Negotiation skills 
  • Patience 
  • Assertiveness 
  • Conflict analysis 

Above all, security personnel should be open-minded, too. There are multiple sides to every conflict, and a big part of conflict resolution is fostering a communicative and respectful environment.  

Crowd Management Expertise 

Large gatherings of people in a commercial setting can soon get out of hand. The trampling of others is a serious concern, as is disorderly conduct. Therefore, crowd management expertise is an essential trait of an effective door supervisor.  

Understanding crowd psychology – how large groups of people react to different situations, and how crowd dynamics work – is a must, as is the ability to co-ordinate crowd management strategy with other security personnel. 

 Crowd management must be a team effort, especially when it comes to maintaining physical barriers and directing people as needed. 

Communication Skills 

Although we’ve mentioned the importance of team work and conflict resolution above, we can’t understate how essential it is that any security personnel you hire have good communication skills. Clear and effective communication can prevent most problems from escalating, and also ensure most conflicts don’t ever occur. When groups are given clear directions on where to go – and in some cases – what behaviours are expected of them, door supervisors need not handle physical or verbal confrontations at all. A positive and welcoming atmosphere is fostered from the outset, which is how door supervisor security should be.  


What is often forgotten in the field of door supervisor security is that the people security personnel equally protect, screen and guard against are their customers. As a result, door supervisor personnel must have a customer-oriented mindset when dealing with members of the public.  

Door supervisors are the first point of contact for most people entering a commercial establishment, and the impression or atmosphere that supervisors generate can impact public perception of the establishment moving forward. If a potential hire seems polite, approachable and communicative, this points toward a positive and customer-oriented mindset. 

Training and Certification 

Door supervisors must be well-trained and certified, and in some cases, well-equipped with the right gear. For example, All Time Security personnel always have access to radios, protective and high-visibility clothing. These are a reliable marker of a door supervisor that has been thoroughly trained to the latest standards.  

To hire the best of the best, seek out security personnel from a company that has been recently SIA approved – this means that their security services, training policies, health and safety practices and more are all deemed excellent. 

Adaptability and Professionalism 

In many cases, these two qualities – adaptability and professionalism – go hand-in-hand for a door supervisor. When involved in door supervisor security, you must be able to adapt to changing situations, unexpected events and misconduct without breaking a sweat.  

Other customers in a commercial space depend on door supervisors to keep them safe and calm whatever the situation, and decisions on how to handle a set of circumstances can only be made if you work well under pressure. Maintaining composure is – and always will be – an essential trait of an effective door supervisor. 

In the same way, being able to maintain a steady composure under pressure also demonstrates a security personnel’s level of professionalism and experience on the job. When you hire an employee that directly interacts with your customers, their professionalism dictates how professional your establishment will be perceived. That is to say, the more respectful and trustworthy your security personnel, the more your business will benefit. 

Knowledge of Local Laws and Regulations 

Finally, though we’ve covered the basis of training and certification as essential traits of an effective door supervisor, there’s one more quality that establishments often overlook during interviews – the supervisor’s knowledge of local laws and regulations.  

Meaning that, if conflict arises, can your door supervisor liaise well with local police officers and other law enforcement? Security personnel must behave appropriately and in accordance with the law at all times.  

Moreover, knowledge of local regulations also extends to the independent security protocols and emergency procedures of your business – any personnel you hire must be willing to learn these procedures inside and out. 

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