What makes an effective door supervisor?
Many people are under the misconception that Door supervisors are used just for pubs and night clubs but the fact is that the security industry has changed dramatically over the years.
Door supervisors are used for a variety of other events. This includes private parties and functions.
Door supervisors are trained and qualified with numerous skills in how not deal with different situations. Security guards are trained in crowd control and ensure that they keep within the maximum capacity of the venue.
This is especially important when venues have restricted capacity. Some venues risk losing their license when the maximum capacity is exceeded. Door supervisors are trained to follow a one out one in procedure. This will make sure that people have the opportunity to enter the venue when others leave giving them the chance to enjoy the venue without compromising the venue’s capacity restrictions.
Door supervisors are also trained to monitor and check people wanting to enter the venue – this includes checking people’s ID to ensure that they or the legal age to enter the venue. If the venue has an age restriction of 18, door supervisors will ask to see appropriate and acceptable ID to make sure that people under the age of 18 are not permitted entrance.
Venues are at risk of losing their license to operate if people under the legal age enter the venue. This is why venues and event organisers rely heavily on door supervisors to be vigilant and check everyone they deem to be underage.
Age is not the only thing door supervisors look out for. They also look out for people who are intoxicated or are considered a threat to the venue and the people inside. They will not allow anyone they consider to be a danger to the people inside.
Door supervisors are trained and skilled in carrying out searches, looking for illegal substances including drugs and offensive weapons. They will confiscate items that are not permitted into the venue and will report their finding to the authorities where required.