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The overall crime rate in Oxfordshire as of Sep 2024 is 69 crimes per 1,000 people, and the most common crimes are violence and sexual offences, with reports coming from roughly every 30 out of 1,000 daytime population.
Comparing Oxfordshire's larger towns and cities, and using Crime Risk Scores - which are calculated by taking severity of each crime type into account - Blackbird Leys is the most dangerous. The next most dangerous is Banbury, and Wantage comes in as third most dangerous. There are safer parts of Oxfordshire, identified using the same Crime Risk measurement, starting with Thame which ranks as the safest area in Oxfordshire, followed up by Henley-on-Thames in second place, and Kidlington in third place.
All Time Security work along with the communities, business and local police to minimise the crime in the area and also offer paid services to our clients to protect their assets.